Livestream Formitable

On November 15th, Formitable presented the world’s first livestream event that brings together knowledge and people who inspire restaurants to succeed online. Triggered by the coronavirus, the catering industry is going through a revolution. Restaurants want to remain visible to their guests and the only way to achieve this is by operating online. Restaurants are becoming online brands that attract fans to increase guest engagement, communication and loyalty.

Restaurants must look for ways to innovate, build valuable relationships and increase profits in the future. But how do you build an online brand as a restaurant? This is where Formitable and RISE UP dived in together with like-minded and progressive speakers and restaurateurs via a hybrid event at their location in Amsterdam.

Rise Up

After a good introduction, plans were quickly made how we could best convey the message of the event. There were a number of factors that were established. The venue, the number of guests on location and the possibility for online visitors to follow the event anywhere in the world. The venue presented several challenges. A long narrow room with large windows and natural light, a small elevator and various height differences between the floors. Not an ideal venue for an event judging by the obstacles. In addition, the audiovisual equipment should not detract from the appearance and the number of seats. Technically quite a puzzle, where the order of the load-in and positioning of all audiovisual technology started to take on forms of a military operation.

By making good choices regarding these above-mentioned issues, a very neat studio has been created with switching technology from BlackMagic, cameras from Panasonic, lighting from SWIT/Astera and audio from Shure, DPA, Midas and QSC.

Curious about what we have to offer for your hybrid or livestream event? Then don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to sit down with you to discuss the possibilities.