Rent 2 Venue

Do you not have the means to transport your order? Do you simply want to make use of our delivery on location? We can, of course, transport your rented materials for you.

You can make use of our transport service for a small fee. This is available for orders above €125,- excluding BTW. Unfortunately, we cannot transport any orders under this amount. The transport costs are very competitive, which is why they are only available above a certain order amount.

Our transport costs vary depending on location. Every location in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and France has its own rate depending on distance and accessibility.

Delivery times

The costs are calculated based on delivery or pickup during our opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00. In order to allow for smooth delivery or pickup, you can select a time slot during which the goods can be delivered or picked up. You can choose from the following time slots:
– 9:00 – 12:00
– 13:00 – 15:00
– 15:00 – 17:00

If it is simply impossible for the goods to be picked up or delivered during these hours, it is possible to make an exception. However, extra costs will be incurred. Agreements made about delivery outside of our business hours must be made beforehand and a written confirmation must take place.

Transport Terms & Conditions

Our goods are always transported in crates, flight cases and transport bags when possible. These packing materials will stay at the delivery address. When the goods are picked up, they are expected to be packaged and ready to transport just as they were when they were delivered.
The goods will be delivered on the ground floor directly behind the first door, as long as there are no stairs or other obstacles blocking the door. The delivery or pickup location must be paved (asphalt, pavement, ramps). This also applies to the access route.
The distance between the delivery or pickup location and our mode of transport must be no more than 25 meters. If the goods are not ready for transport, we will have to return at a later time for pickup, and will bill you for extra transport costs.
If the location does not have loading/unloading docks, any incurred parking costs will be billed to you.
Time slots are subject to change. Overrunning these times does not give the other party any right to compensation, suspension or termination of the signed contract. Any extra waiting time will be calculated and billed after the fact.